Design is more than beautiful pictures

 Regenerative  designer

Koen Jacobs

Designer from under the smoke of Tilburg. He is creating connections over speed, and community over individualism.

Design is more than beautiful pictures.

That is the essence of yūgen. Design shouldn’t only be about how something looks. It should be about connection and the total experience.

Design is more than beautiful pictures

That is the essence of yūgen. Design shouldn’t only be about how something looks. It should be about connection and the total experience.

Design is creating connections

At yūgen, our primary focus is fostering connections among people. Design, for us, transcends aesthetics or vibrant colors. We are foremost regenerative designers, prioritizing the connection and ensuring that you feel heard and included.

Design is creating a connection

At yūgen, our primary focus is fostering connections among people. Design, for us, transcends aesthetics or vibrant colors. We are foremost regenerative designers, prioritizing the connection and ensuring that you feel heard and included.

The things we make

Below you’ll find our three most important pages. Our portfolio which contains all of our finished work, our WIP which contains all the projects we are working on and lastly our store which has the products we sell.